Wednesday, March 5, 2014

DMX Vs George Zimmerman to Box Next Month

If I were a man who has recently skirted by a jury after murdering a child, I would probably lay low, stay out of the limelight. This is not the case for George Zimmerman, who has allegedly accepted a pay-per-view boxing match against former average rapper DMX.  
The bout, scheduled for March 10th, will pit, attention-whore George Zimmerman, two years removed from killing an unarmed teenager, against well-known, albeit untalented rapper DMX in what promises to be a hot-mess.  Earlier this month, Rapper DMX told TMZ that “I am going to beat the living f--- out him… I am breaking every rule in boxing to make sure I f--- him right up”.  This type of vitriolic talk might put fear into Zimmerman’s heart, but besides DMX’s heavy conviction record and fearsome look, this might stand to be Zimmerman’s fight.  After all, most of those charges are for drug possession and substance abuse, so the likelihood that Earl “DMX” Simmons has been slaving it away in a boxing gym is doubtful.  

On the other hand, it came out as relatively embarrassing when Zimmerman’s former boxing coach testified during the Trayvon Martin trial that “n [George} never got off shadow boxing, hitting the heavy bag and learning how to punch”.  All in all, I am expecting a thoroughly humiliating night of boxing for both of them.

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