Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Am I being taught Kickboxing correctly?

Am I being taught Kickboxing correctly?

No one kickboxing class is the same as the other.   At our gym, we have two different types of kickboxing classes.  One is our Muay Thai class, where we spend about half the class teaching technique (blocking, striking, clinching), then the other half of the class is spent doing some light sparring and the other is our Cardio Kickboxing class.

In the Cardio Kickboxing class we spend less time with technique and more time getting our heart rate up.  We do about 5 minutes of shadow boxing, followed by 5 minutes to teach the strike of the day, and then the next 50 minutes doing some kicking, kneeing, elbowing and punching.  These classes are a monkey-see-monkey-do type workout. The Factum kickboxing instructor will show a combo, followed by the students echoing the combination.  This happens while the instructor is screaming out key techniques "straight punches down the pipe", "Cross your shoulders on your cross", "get your elbow up on your hook", etc.  

Our cardio KB classes involve no sparring, while our muay thai classes involve full striking, so I guess, to answer your question, it depends how much sparring you want to do.

If you're ever in Salt Lake City and want to try our Kickboxing classes, we'd love to see you | Factum CrossFit and Mixed Martial Arts | www.factumutah.com

Factum CrossFit and Mixed Martial Arts | www.factumutah.com | Jiu Jitsu | Muay Thai | MMA | CrossFit | Wrestling | Salt Lake City, Utah

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