Saturday, September 14, 2013

Can women fight pro?

In a word, yes

1) Women fighters tend to get paid more than male fighters at the local MMA level, and p.s., if you ladies actually want to learn how to defend yourself against an assailant, you've got to put in the time in an MMA gym. Your body won't protect itself.

2) I would also recommend staying focused on the Martial Arts that actually work in the UFC. Who was the last fighter you saw with a Aikido or Kung Fu background? Huh? It doesn't exist, those martial arts won't do anything for you in a cage (or elsewhere). Stick to wrestling, jiu jitsu and Muay Thai.

3) There are plenty of gyms all over the country that focus on MMA, wrestling, jiu jitsu and muay thai. If you're in the Salt Lake City check out Factum CrossFit and MMA, they will get you prepped for the cage

Factum CrossFit and Mixed Martial Arts | | Jiu Jitsu | Muay Thai | MMA | CrossFit | Wrestling | Salt Lake City, Utah

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